Negative words (Scenarios):
1. I'm not interested,
Answer, do u already have one, what is it? No old one so you are using excel,… etc [any info to be collected], if u feel he is not your man, so say " is that your decision or the company decision, i.e. top management decision or if I call them I might get an opportunity and this will help you of course to be working on an application instead of the manual or traditional way.
2. I'm just too busy right now,
Answer, when to call u back? Don't enter in a speech and he is not in a positive way to listen, try to say "I see u r busy don't want to interrupt u, can I call u back again when? Or you may -if he insists- tell him about the objective of the call only without details.
3. Just fax me some,
Answer, about what I am not selling a general product, my product contain a lot of details and semi products [modules] all of this may not be applicable to be sent by fax, let me sit, take other 5 minutes to identify your clear needs, then I could send fax.
4. The price is too high or I have no budget,
Answer, Did u see other similar products less than our price [against what], please tell me their names I might be able to help you with our company knowledge and researches about them to make sure they are above or under us technically to be able to evaluate right.
Or if budget so pls. tell me do u need first a solution, if yes so tell me what is your budget and I can offer u a lot of different facilities to pay how much could u pay first…etc. and all of this must be in a few minutes as a preliminary negotiations to estimate his financial qualification point to be able either to proceed or not.
5. You are just trying to sell me,
Answer, I am trying to see what is your needs, if I have what u want so I will try to sell of course, but if not I will say you I don't have, I will recommend u another company, ex: to be said "you know we don't get our commissions only after implementation ends.
6. We're currently using someone else and we're happy,
Answer, Rarely to listen to these words and what is it? When, which modules….try to collect data.
7. I can get it cheaper somewhere else,
Answer, I also can get u one free, but always u will realize differences, so let us see what u need first then what we and others provide and then evaluate.
8. I need to talk to my partner, boss, wife, etc.,
Answer, Ok can I attend this meeting so that I can explain them in details and if you have questions too, if refused …. Ok… but tell me what is the time-plan & have u searched before or this is the first time….
9. I need to wait on this, or I need to think about it,
Answer, Did u see other applications before, do u already have?, why waiting if u need yesterday was better to start, [always tell] as u already know all companies now are using software applications so I think u must get benefits right now specially that we are making offers and promotions now for any event…etc.
10. What you have does not work for us,
Answer, We can study your needs and we may make it for you specially and this will guarantee you a lot of advantages to take the risk, 1. All of your needed customizations, 2. Price, 3. Security as Money back guarantee.
11. We've been burned in the past [bad history],
Answer, we saw a lot u have all the right to be afraid but we r offering money back guarantee, actually our team have been driven from a lot of software companies as …..till the end of this story.
Or I think we are the one to be afraid since all of your experiences and afraid ness will be attacking us so u will get the benefit and we will face a lot of bad history doubting our work till the end, also we might tell him an example of our success in replacement so that may make him trust us.
12. I am feeling too much sales pressure,
Answer, I've heard that a lot and I can tell u which companies talked to u and make u mad of the pressure and at the end they haven't offered a professional packages or new ideas or at least 10% of what we are offering companies as [references ….] to trust, and so he will tell what do u offer….
13. I am not familiar with your company,
Answer, Try to give short and brief info about the company and attaching some of the references till now and also telling a lot about the new features and development techniques used to prevent others failures from happening …etc.
Answer, Ok why some time, actually I was wondering that u have prepared the P.O. I saw we have finished all of our cycle, so pls. tell me why to delay??? If pricing and if u are sure he is serious tell him we have made a lot so leave him, if not & u r afraid he is not serious tell him a definite period as validity as to try to get you the final discount if applicable if purchase through this period as if you are giving your self another chance to think and come back to him again, but with serious level of speech that we have already done a lot of discounts that we can.
the most wonderful post ever